
Y. Lanoiselée and D. S. Grebenkov, A model of non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media, J. Phys. A 51, 145602 (2018).

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Misprints In the first line after Eq. (6), there are three misprints:
(i) in the function F, one has to multiply the ratio "D_0/(\sigma\tau)" by the factor 1/2, i.e., to replace "D_0/(\sigma\tau)" by "D_0/(2\sigma\tau)";
(ii) in the function F, one has to replace "1-\omega+\omega..." by "-1-\omega+\omega...", i.e., to replace 1 by -1;
(iii) in the function \xi, in the denominator of the last term, one has to replace "\sigma^2\tau s" by "2\sigma^2\tau s", i.e., to multiply it by factor 2.
We emphasize that these misprints do not affect all other formulas that were computed using the corrected values.

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Last modified 12/03/2018
