
D. S. Grebenkov, A physicist’s guide to explicit summation formulas involving zeros of Bessel functions and related spectral sums, Rev. Math. Phys. 33, 2130002 (2021)

We learn from our mistakes

If you find another error, please communicate it directly to

Several misprints have been found in formulas in Table 3, see the corrected Table here, with corrections in red. These corrections are also listed below:
Error in Eq. (D3) from Table 3: in the numerator on the right-hand side, there should be I_n(z*x) instead of I_n(z)
Error in Eq. (D4) from Table 3: the factor pi/2 is missing on the right-hand side
Error in Eq. (D6) from Table 3: in the numerator on the right-hand side, there should be J_n(z*x) instead of J_n(z)
Error in Eq. (D10) from Table 3: the factor pi/2 is missing on the right-hand side
Error in Eq. (D12) from Table 3: the sign minus on the right-hand side should be replaced by sign plus
Error in Eq. (S3) from Table 3: in the numerator on the right-hand side, there should be i_n(z*x) instead of i_n(z)
Error in Eq. (S6) from Table 3: in the numerator on the right-hand side, there should be j_n(z*x) instead of j_n(z)
Error in Eq. (S12) from Table 3: the sign minus on the right-hand side should be replaced by sign plus

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Last modified 21/07/2021
