Localization of the Laplace operator eigenfunctions By D. S. Grebenkov The notion of localization was introduced in solid state physics by P. W. Anderson who suggested that randomness of a potential in the Schrodinger equation may lead to localized eigenstates in disordered media. This so-called Anderson localization, which is responsible for the metal/isolator transition in solids, has found numerous experimental confirmations. This phenomenon is called "strong" localization characterized by exponential space decay of the modulus of the wave amplitude. The localization has also been shown to occur for non-random potentials on self-similar deterministic fractals like Sierpinski gasket. In such disconnected domains, the localized eigenfunctions are supported by a small subset of the domain and are zero elsewhere. A series of experimental and numerical studies have recently shown the emergence and importance of weakly localized eigenfunctions in irregularly-shaped domains. These eigenfunctions are localized in a small subset of the domain and are very small (but not zero) outside this subset. This type of localization, due to destructive interference is generally called "weak" localization and is characterized by a power law decay in space. It is worth stressing that the localized eigenfunctions constitute only a fraction among all eigenfunctions. The mathematical analysis of weakly localized eigenfunctions is therefore a challenging problem because it addresses only a subset of eigenfunctions. Even a rigorous mathematical definition of weak localization is not yet available, in spite of a growing interest to this topic in recent years.