Curriculum Vitæ

Mathis Plapp
Born on february 28, 1968 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Citizenship: German and USA.

Current position

Directeur de Recherche au CNRS (permanent position)
Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau cedex, France
Téléphone: +33 1 69 33 47 77


Habilitation in physics, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France.
PhD in physics, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France.
DEA in theoretical physics (equivalent to M. Sc.), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
Maitrise in physics (equivalent to B. Sc.), Université Paris XI, Orsay, France.
Studies at university of Freiburg, Germany.
Civil service in Germany.


  • Director of the Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory (2015-2022).
  • Promotion to Directeur de Recherche (senior research scientist) in 2011.
  • Associate editor of "The Journal of Crystal Growth" (2009-2018).
  • Associate professor (part time), Physics Department, Ecole Polytechnique (2008-2017).
  • Head of the research group "Physics of irregular systems" (2003-2014).
  • Chargé de Recherche (research scientist) with the CNRS (1999-2011).
  • Research Associate, Northeastern University, Boston (1997-1999).
  • Teaching Assistant, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France (1994-1997).

    Honors, Awards

  • CNRS Bronze Medal 2002
  • Americal Physical Society Outstanding Referee Award 2009
  • Acta Materialia Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020, 2022, and 2023

    Publications and conferences

  • About 80 articles in international technical journals.
  • About 20 contributions to conference proceedings.
  • About 60 invited talks in international conferences and workshops.