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Home > Scientific teams > Physics of irregular systems > Transport and Physics of Living systems

Physics of respiration

by Hervé Henry - published on

For almost 20 years, the group had carried out studies on transport in the human respiratory system. This activity, initiated by B. Sapoval and M. Filoche, has first focused on gas exchanges in the lungs. It has been extended after to the study of lung optimality as an exchanger, then to fluid-structure interaction during forced expiration maneuver. More recently, we have investigated several aspects of fluid transport into the lung, especially liquid delivery in surfactant replacement therapy. This entire activity has produced numerous publications (1 Nature, 2 PNAS, 5 PRL, 3 J Appl Physiol, 4 Resp Physiol & Neurobiol), 9 PhD thesis, and several interdisciplinary collaborations, academic and industrial (Air Liquide).

These studies address: