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[2] P. Allongue, J.-N. Chazalviel, C. Henry de Villeneuve, F. Ozanam
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[3] P. Prod’homme, F. Maroun, R. Cortès, P. Allongue, J. Hamrle, J. Ferré, J. P. Jamet, N. Vernier, Preparation, characterization and magneto optical investigations of electrodeposited Co/Au films,
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[7] S. Frey, S. Keipert, J.-N. Chazalviel, F. Ozanam, J. Carstensen, H. Föll
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[2] A. Faucheux, F. Yang, P. Allongue, C. Henry de Villeneuve, F. Ozanam, J.-N. Chazalviel,
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