October 10th Seminar
Thursday October 10th at 11am in PMC seminar room David Pai (LPP) In situ optical diagnostics of plasma-surface interactions for electrochemistry and catalysis applications
Plasma (…)
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Thursday October 10th at 11am in PMC seminar room David Pai (LPP) In situ optical diagnostics of plasma-surface interactions for electrochemistry and catalysis applications
Plasma (…)
Thursday October 17th at 11am in PMC seminar room Camille Fornos (PMC) Nanoscale optical imaging in the vicinity of V-pits defects in operational nitride LEDs
Orientation Tomography in Liquid Crystals and Shearmetry in Hydrovoltaic Systems by Spectroscopy of Polarized Luminescence of LaP0 4 :Eu Nanorods
Amphitheatre Cauchy - October 30 - 14:00