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Henry Hervé

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Groupe Physique de l’Irrégularité

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Laboratoire Physique de la matière Condensée
Ecole Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau Cedex
Téléphone (+33) 1 69 33 46 81

CV abrégé

Après une thèse sur la propagation d’ondes dans les milieux excitables effectuée au laboratoire de Physique Statistique (ENS Paris) sous la direction de V. Hakim, j’ai effectué un post-doc de 2 ans à UCSD (avec Wouter-Jan Rappel et Herbert Levine) où j’ai découvert la méthode du champ de phase pour décrire la propagation de fracture. Depuis mon recrutement au CNRS en 2004, je travaille au laboratoire PMC sur divers sujets centrés sur la morphogénèse. Mes travaux utilisent des simulations numériques dans des contextes ou des effets mécaniques sont parfois présents.

J’ai soutenu mon Habilitation à Diriger Les Recherches le 25//11/2021.

Publications, par thèmes :


  1. H. Henry, Pinning of crack fronts by hard and soft inclusions : A phase field study Phys. Rev. E 109, 025002, arxiv
  2. H. Henry, Limitations of the modelling of crack propagating through heterogeneous material using a phase field approach Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics journal , pdf(2019)
  3. H. Henry, Crack front instabilities under mixed mode loading in three dimensions EPL (Europhysics Letters) 114 (6), 66001 (2016)arxiv
  4. H. Henry and M. Adda-Bedia : Fractographic aspects of crack branching instability using a phase field model , Physical Review E 88 (6), 060401 (2013) arxiv
  5. H.Henry Study of three-dimensional crack fronts under plane stress using a phase field model Europhysics Letters 92 (2010) 46002 Arxiv
  6. H. Henry and H. Levine Dynamic instabilities of fracture under biaxial strain using a phase field model Cond-Mat 0402563, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 105504 (2004) arxiv
  7. F. Corson, M. Adda-Bedia , H. Henry and E. Katzav Thermal fracture as a framework for crack propagation law (2008). Int. J. Frac. 158 pp 1-14 Arxiv
  8. H. Henry Study of the branching instability using a phase field model of inplane crack propagation cond-mat 0804-4600 Europhysics Letters 83 p160004 (2008)Arxiv


  1. T Philippe, H Henry, M Plapp Regularized anisotropic motion-by-curvature in phase-field theory : Interface phase separation of crystal surfaces Phys Rev E 106, 034119 (2022)
  2. R Bayle, O Cueto, S Blonkowski, T Philippe, H Henry, M Plapp Phase-field modeling of the non-congruent crystallization of a ternary Ge–Sb–Te alloy for phase-change memory applications
    Journal of Applied Physics 128 (18), 185101 (2020) journal
  3. T Philippe, H Henry, M Plapp A regularized phase-field model for faceting in a kinetically controlled crystal growth
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2241), 20200227 (2020) journal
  4. T Philippe, H Henry, M Plapp Nucleation of crystal surfaces with corner energy regularization Journal of Crystal Growth 503, 20-27 journal
  5. B Korbuly, M Plapp, H Henry, J. Warren, L. Gránásy, and T. Pusztai Topological defects in two-dimensional orientation-field models for grain growth Phys. Rev. E 96, 052802 (2017) PRE pdf
  6. B Korbuly, T Pusztai, H Henry, M Plapp, M Apel, L Gránásy Grain coarsening in two-dimensional phase-field models with an orientation field Physical Review E 95 (5), 053303 (2017)arxiv
  7. B Korbuly, T Pusztai, GI Tóth, H Henry, M Plapp, L Gránásy Orientation-field models for polycrystalline solidification : Grain coarsening and complex growth forms Journal of Crystal Growth 457, 32-37
  8. M. Nicoli, M. Plapp, H. Henry : Phase-field models with tensorial mobilities for accurate solution of two-phase transport problems, Phys. Rev. E 84, 046707 (2011). Manuscript : arXiv
  9. H. Henry, J. Mellenthin, M. Plapp : An orientation-field model for polycristalline solidification with a singular coupling between order and orientation, Phys. Rev. B 86, 054117 (2012). arXiv, PRB

Ecoulements multiphasiques

  1. Hervé Henry Numerical study of buoyancy induced arrest of viscous coarsening arxiv, Physics of Fluids 35, 013301 (2023)
  2. R Zanella, R Le Tellier, M Plapp, G Tegze, H Henry Three-dimensional numerical simulation of droplet formation by Rayleigh–Taylor instability in multiphase corium Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol 379 111177 HAL (2021)
  3. Raphael Zanella, György Tegze, Romain LeTellier, Hervé Henry Two- and Three-Dimensional Simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities Using a Coupled Cahn-Hilliard / Navier-Stokes Model arxiv, Physics of Fluids 32, 124115 (2020)
  4. Hervé Henry and György Tegze Kinetics of coarsening have dramatic effects on the microstructure : self-similarity breakdown induced by viscosity contrast Phys. Rev. E 100, 013116 (2019) arxiv PRE
  5. Hervé Henry and György Tegze Self-similarity and coarsening rate of a convecting bicontinuous phase separating mixture : Effect of the viscosity contrast Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 074306 journal web site, arxiv preprint
  6. Sebastien Nguyen, Roger Folch, Vijay K. Verma, Hervé Henry, Mathis Plapp Phase-field simulations of viscous fingering in shear-thinning fluids Physics of Fluids 22, 103102 (2010) cond-mat 0912-01248


  1. Mirantsoa-Aimé Rasolofomanana, Clément Cardon, Mathis Plapp, Thomas Philippe, Hervé Henry, Romain Le Tellier Diffuse-interface modelling of multicomponent diffusion and phase separation in the UO-Zr ternary system Computational Materials Science Volume 214, 111650 (2022) HAL
  2. M Ardré, H Henry, C Douarche, M Plapp An individual-based model for biofilm formation at liquid surfaces, Physical biology 12 (6), 066015 (2015) full text
  3. F. Corson, H. Henry, M. Adda-Bedia A model for hierarchical patterns under mechanical stresses Philosophical Magazine 90 p 357-373 (2010) cond-mat full text
  4. A. Marrocco , H. Henry , I. B. Holland , M. Plapp , S. J. Séror and B. Perthame Models of Self-Organizing Bacterial Communities and Comparisons with Experimental Observations Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 90, issue 1, pp. 357-373 (2010)

Milieux excitables

  1. H. Henry and V. Hakim (2000),Linear Stability of Scroll Waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5328-5331.
  2. H. Henry and V. Hakim (2001),Scroll waves in isotropic excitable media : linear instabilities, bifurcations and restabilized states, Phys Rev E, 65, 046235 (2002).
  3. H. Henry and H. Levine (2003),Wave Nucleation rate in excitable systems in the low noise limit, Phys Rev E 68, 031914 .
  4. H. Henry and W-J Rappel, The role of M cells and the long QT syndrome in cardiac arrhythmias : simulation studies of reentrant excitations using a detailed electrophysiological model, Chaos 14 pages 172-182 (2003)
  5. H. Henry Spiral wave drift in an electric field and scroll wave instabilities Cond-Mat 0401588 Phys Rev E 70, 026204 (2004)
  6. H. Henry and W-J. Rappel Dynamic of conduction blocks in a model of paced cardiac tissue Phys. Rev E 71 051911(2005) Qbio 0504009
  7. B. Echebarria, V. Hakim and H. Henry Non equilibrium ribbon model to analyze the motion of the core of a twisted scroll wave Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 098301 (2006)