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Accueil > Productions scientifiques > Physique de l’Irrégularité

Physique de l’Irrégularité

2014 -2022

2022 Arnold D., Filoche M., Mayboroda S., Wang W., Zhang S. (2022). The Landscape Law for Tight Binding Hamiltonians. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 396(3) .DOI Banon J.-P., Pelletier P., (…)

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2008 - 2013

2013 J.R. Zierenberg, D. Halpern, M. Filoche, B. Sapoval, J.B. Grotberg, “An Asymptotic Model of Particle Deposition at an Airway Bifurcation”, Math. Med. & Biol. 102(30):131-156 (2013). (…)

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