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Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée
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Scientific teams
solid state chemistry
Electrons Photons Surfaces
Physics of irregular systems
Electrochemistry and Thin Films
2016 Science Festival
Solid State Physics
Electrons Photons Surfaces
Electrochimie et Couches Minces
Job and internship offers
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Acces to Ecole Polytechnique and to PMC
technical and administrative teams
Scientific teams
solid state chemistry
Presentation of the solid state chemistry group
Organic / inorganic hybrid materials
Functional nano-objects
05. Functional nano-objects .
Anisotropic Nanoparticles
Anisotropic Nanoparticles.
Doping Characterization by NMR
KTP nanoparticles
Nanostructured thin films
Active materials and devices
Electron microscopy applied to nano-objects
Characterization of nano-objets by electron microscopy
Electrons Photons Surfaces
Spin & electron dynamics
Spin & electron dynamics
Charge/spin coupling effects
2D semiconductors
Chiral surfaces
Short laser pulses
Nitride semiconductors
Nanostructure piezo-response
Defects and piezoresistance
Photomechanical properties of azobenzene hybrids
Quantum Circuits (QCMX)
Experimental techniques
Experimental techniques
Group members
Group members
Former group members
Former group members
Physics of irregular systems
Présentation of the Irregularity group
Transport and Physics of Living systems
Physics of respiration
Fluid-structure interaction in the pulmonary airways
Aerosol transport and liquid delivery through the lung airway system
Transport in the human placenta
Transport and Physics of Living systems
Crack propagation
Hydrodynamic coarsenning
Pattern formation
Group members
Members of the irregularity group
Publication list
Publications 2022
Publications 2021
Publications 2020
Publications 2019
Publications 2018
Publications 2017
Publications 2016
Electrochemistry and Thin Films
ECM group
Research activities
Research activities
Model catalysts
Li-ion batteries
MOF layers on Si
Amphiphobic textiles
Catalysis/porous Si
Electrochemistry and magnetism
Electrochemical collisions
Group members
Group members
Former permanent members
Former PhD. students
Former post-docs
Recent theses and publications
Recent papers
Experimental Techniques
Experimental techniques
2016 Science Festival
2016 Science Festival 2016
Solid State Physics
2014 - 2018
Electrons Photons Surfaces
2014 - 2022
2014 -2022
Electrochimie et Couches Minces
2014 - 2023
Job and internship offers
Job and internship offer
Upcoming events
Future seminars
Past seminars
Coupvent-Desgraviers Denis
Griesmar Joël
Kim Jongwook
Ozanam François
Alla Gilles
Alyabyeva Natalia
André Blandine
Annabi Samy
Arrighi Everton
Beaurain Olivier
Bonetti Marcello
Bounjad Abderraouf
Bretheau Landry
Cadiz Fabian
Chaigneau Adrien
Da Silva Hopheybea
Delacroix Simon
Do Chang Hyun
Duprez Hadrien
Fagundes Alexis
Fernandes Antoni
Fornos Camille
Gacoin Thierry
Gouget-Laemmel Anne Chantal
Grebenkov Denis
Haddad Randy
Hantute Maxime
Henry Hervé
Henry de Villeneuve Catherine
Jebali Syrine
Lahlil Khalid
Lassailly Yves
Lee Gyeongjun
Lenoir Didier
Livache Clément
Marchat Clément
Maron Sébastien
Maroun Fouad
Mitieus Nathalie
Mohammedi Rabei
Peretti Jacques
Philippe Thomas
Pillet Jean-Damien
Plapp Mathis
Pépin-Donat Thierry
Renault Christophe
Richard Marine
Riechert Hannes
Rosso Michel
Roubert Christian
Roux Didier
Rowe Alistair
Schué Léonard
Sirotti Fausto
Tusseau-Nenez Sandrine
Wadhwa Ritika
Weisbuch Claude
Wu Yijian
Ye Yilin
Zembra Edgar
Zou Qilin
Absence of carrier separation in ambipolar charge and spin drift in p+-GaAs
La thérapie par substitution de surfactant
Thesis prize
50 years of Optical Orientation in Semiconductors
ACS Catalysis publication
Evidence of Direct Electronic Band Gap in two-dimensional van der Waals Indium Selenide crystals
Exciton diffusion revealed in WSe2 monolayers
Imaging Seebeck drift of charged excitons in 2D materials
J. Phys. Chem. C (ACS) Publication
Langmuir (ACS) publication
Silicon’s response to mechanical stress amplified by crystal defects
Vernissage de l’exposition La recherche d’aujourd’hui pour l’énergie de demain
"poster prize" from the Innovative Materials and Applications pole
A nuclear safety issue: modeling corium fusion
Anderson localization by the alloy disorder in nitride semiconductor devices: the ELENID project funded by the ANR.
Blocage de la diffusion de porteurs dans un semi-conducteur
Bourse de collaboration Simons sur la localisation des ondes
Collaboration in Budapest on phase field modeling of solidification
Controlling homogeneity of the first lithiation in methylated amorphous silicon
Defect Engineering of Electronic Properties in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide ternary alloys
Des nanobâtonnets comme sondes ultimes de l’écoulement des fluides
Efficient optical manipulation of spin and valley in 2D semiconductors
Electronic coupling in the F4-TCNQ/single layer GaSe heterostructure
Encore un prix de communication orale pour Cassiana Andrei
Evidence of nanoscale Anderson localization induced by intrinsic compositional disorder in InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Exposition sur l’énergie au MUS’X
Fausto Sirotti
Growth of MOFs on functionalized Si surfaces
Guillaume Graciani, IP Paris Thesis Award
ISAB’s visit at PMC
Influence of the carbon interface on the mechanical behavior of SiC/SiC composites
Journées Surfaces et Interfaces JSI 2025
Kwanjeong Educational Foundation-KEF award
La naissance miraculeuse des flocons de neige
Luminescent nanorods as ultimate probes of fluid flow
MOMENTOM workshop "Disruptive materials for the electrochemical energy storage" at Polytechnique.
Mechanochromic Luminescence and Liquid Crystallinity of Molecular Copper Clusters
Modeling of crystal growth with the help of phase-field methods
Modeling of grain coarsening in polycristals
Modifying silicon’s surface electronic properties with mechanical stress
PhD award of University of Paris-Saclay
Physics renews lung function tests
Polarized luminescence of Anistropic LaPo4 Eu Nanocrystal Polymorphs
QCMX lab, partner of the PEPR ROBUSTSUPERQ (Quantum plan)
Revealing spin-valley dynamics in 2D semiconductors: the SpinCAT project funded by the ANR
Strained defects in the antipodes
Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition in FeRh driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics
Transient quantum isolation and critical behavior in the magnetization dynamics of half-metallic manganites
Two projects involving the use of mechanical stress to probe the electronic properties of semiconductors financed by the ANR
Two- and three-dimensional simulations of Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities using a coupled Cahn–Hilliard/Navier–Stokes model
Un second « prix poster » pour Cassiana Andrei
Unraveling intrinsic correlation effects with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Very efficient valley polarization of charged excitons in monolayer MoS2.
When nonlinearity meets complexity : a controlled radio-frequency maser for dynamic molecular polarization (DNP) -Project funded by the ANR
Wiebke Hahn winner of the student award for her talk at IWN 2018
Work on localization commented in the Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics
fundamentally new modeling of the distribution and transport of charge carriers in disordered semiconductors
launch of the Simons project website
single enzyme electrochemistry : SEE project financed by ANR
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